You're barking up the wrong tree

The thing that really frustrates me is how many of you have asked me how often do I workout. Or how long I workout. Or when someone confidently proclaims that I must be living in the gym and eating super healthy. As if that's what it takes to have a great body, workout every day and workout for very long. Plus eat a super boring bland diet. 

I had periods in my life when I worked out every day and still wasn't getting closer to the body I wanted. The gym I workout at now publishes a list of people who used the gym most frequently in the past month and my name was never even close to being on there! But I'm still more fit than anyone on that list. 

And I have to share with you why that is. 

There was a time in my life when I was very unhappy with my body. I've spent more than 15 years trying out things and not getting the results I want. Finding it too hard, unrewarding and giving up. Never have I dreamt I'll have a body that I love. A body that I'm proud of. I was just seeking a body I'll be comfortable in. 

And now we are here. I'm happy to prance around naked for all of you to see. 

So when your questions and assumptions reveal to me that you have no clue how I ended up looking this way it drives me crazy. It reminds me of all struggles that I had. All my starting and quitting. All doubt and disbelief that I'll ever be able to pull this off. But I made it! And it's been the best thing I ever did for myself. That's why I'm a trainer now and that's why I have to share it with you. 

With love, 



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